Pro Clima NZ
Operating across the globe in more than 40 countries, pro clima enables healthy living conditions by protecting building structures from external and internal moisture damage. Our extensive range of high-performance weathertightness and airtightness systems help to create draught-free, long lasting and low allergen emitting surroundings for families, schools and businesses.
pro clima 3D HouseDownload
Pro Clima Study Airtightness & Moisture Management 2020Download
Passivehouse 4 NZ - The warm healthy homes we need - By Jason Quinn (2019)Download
pro clima Tapes - Confirmed 100 Years Adhesion - AUS NZDownload
Pro Clima Warranty Agreement NZ 2024Download
Living Building Challenge -pro clima products: Red List 4.0 ConformationDownload
Certified Passive House Component - INTELLO PLUSDownload
Certified Passive House Component - INTELLODownload
Certified Passive House Component - KAFLEX & ROFLEXDownload
Certified Passive House Component - AEROSANA VISCONNDownload
Codemark Certificate - SOLITEX EXTASANA®Download